Friday, November 30, 2007

China Stock Bubble Begins to Bust?

I am not sure about the answer to the title but I think that China's stock market bubble will bust sooner or later.
Basic Chart for SSE Composite Index - Yahoo! Finance
The question I am concerned now is how long will the post-bubble bear market be. 2 years, 5 years, or 10 years or more?

The Chinese Economy: Can We Keep the Heat Alive?

A Forum by Aspen Institute - The Chinese Economy: Can We Keep the Heat Alive? Two economists have different points of view on China's economy prospect.
Video 1: Pessimistic
Video 2: Optimistic

IMF Forum: China and India

IMF Book Forum - China and India Expanding Roles in the World Economy on December 14, 2006.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

How the US Recession Is Determined?

This article has a very detailed explanation about how the US recession is determined and dated by a NBER committee.

Interviews with Alan Greenspan

With promotion of his memoirs, former Fed chairman-Alan Greenspan had serveral interviews on different issues.

Video: Alan on income inequality.
Video: Alan on the housing bubble and slump in CBS 60 minutes.
Video: Alan on Nixon, Ford, Regan in CBS 60 minutes.
Video: Alan on Bush in CBS 60 minutes.
Video: Alan on Clintons in CBS 60 minutes.

Video of July 2003 US Economic Outlook Testimony: Congressman Bernard Sanders vs. Alan Greenspan on the problems of inequality, outsources, etc in the US economy.

China Moving

A video from "People and Power: China Moving" shows the immigration from rural to urban area in China.
Part 1: Shanghai.
Part 2: Rural China

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Brits Get Rich in China

A video shows the risk and premium of investment in China.

Part 1:

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7.

Sock Industries in Two Countries

Part 1: The sock industry and tariff in the US.
Part 2: The rise and fall of sock industry in Honduras.
From Adam Davidson NPR

Conversations with Brad DeLong

Another conversation with UC Berkeley economist: Brad DeLong.

Conversations with Richard Freeman

Here is a video from UC Berkely, "Conversations with History: Richard Freeman" on globalization, labor markets, and inequality.

Hello, World!

Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog. This blog will provide daily obseravtions and collection of news, information, aticles, and videos on the issues of global economies, finance, and business, etc.